Adam Grotsky has worked in the field of international education for over three decades. He has served as the Executive Director of the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) since May 2008. As Executive Director of USIEF, he oversees the administration of the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship Program and five EducationUSA advising centers located throughout India.
During Mr. Grotsky’s tenure as Executive Director, USIEF has administered over 3200 Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships awarded to U.S. and Indian citizens, and over $80 million dollars in Fulbright-Nehru grants. Under his leadership, the program has tripled in size, and USIEF has expanded the scope of its offerings to include postdoctoral fellowships for Indian citizens, distinguished chair awards for U.S. scholars, English teaching assistantships for U.S. students, and short-term grants for international education administrators from both countries.
Prior to his current position, he was the Director of Study Abroad at Towson University (Maryland) for four years. His work at Towson University included development, administration, and promotion of the university’s study abroad programs. Before Towson, he served as the Associate Director for International Programs at the University of South Carolina (1997 to 2004).
Mr. Grotsky got his start in international education with the University of Wisconsin’s College Year in India Program (Varanasi) where he served as the resident director of the program (1992-1994).
Mr. Grotsky has a BA in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MA in South Asian Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.