Fulbright to India Guide – 2021-2022


by Mr. Adam J. Grotsky, Executive Director, USIEF

Congratulations on receiving a Fulbright Fellowship to India! Accepting this award, you embark on a most personally enriching and academically rewarding experience. USIEF’s mission is promoting mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and India. We count on you to assist us in fulfilling our mission.

This guide contains detailed information on grant procedures, Indian government requirements, as well as up-to-date travel advice from official websites. You will also find in it Fulbright alumni experiences and cultural observations. This guide will prove useful not only as you prepare for your fellowship, but also as a source of reference during your stay in India.

The Fulbright Commission in India was established in February 1950 under a bilateral agreement. Since that time, over 10,000 American students and scholars have participated in the program. A new era for the Foundation began on July 4, 2008, when the United States and India signed a historic new Fulbright agreement, strengthening educational exchanges between India and the United States. Under the new agreement, the Governments of India and the United States decided to implement the fellowship program as full partners and increase by 100% the total fellowship amount awarded annually. The new agreement provides for expansion of the existing program with, for the first time, a direct financial contribution by the Government of India, and the Government of India co-chairing the Board of Directors of the Foundation.

As a result of this agreement, the Fulbright Foundation was renamed the “United States-India Educational Foundation”, and the awards are now known as “Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships” or Fulbright-Kalam Fellowships.” Please note, however, that these names apply only to USIEF funded grants.

In addition to engaging in professional work or research, many Fulbrighters perform community service, enjoy traveling in India, and develop long-term friendships and professional networks. As you can imagine, there will be an initial adjustment period as you get used to your new surroundings. Fortunately, you can count on the support of a strong network of Fulbright alumni and USIEF staff throughout India to assist you. Fulbrighters have shared their experiences and insights in many forums, including blogs, alumni websites, final reports, and publications. I invite you to read this guide from “cover to cover,” and to consult the suggested online resources often. I also recommend that you read as much as you can about your destination in India and don’t miss the chance to talk with Fulbright alumni in preparation for your Fulbright experience.

I look forward to welcoming you to India and to the Fulbright community.


Adam J. Grotsky

Contact us

12 Hailey Road New Delhi 110 001

Tel.: +91-11-4209-0909/2332-8944
