Fulbright to India Guide – 2021-2022

Grant Allowances and Benefits

Travel Round trip international travel from your hometown in the U.S. to the place of affiliation in India and back to U.S. home town by the most competitive fare and on the most direct route under the ‘Fly America Act’ for self. Dependent travel is provided only for Academic and Professional Excellence Awardees (except flex scholars) and Distinguished Scholar awardees.  The accompanying dependent(s) must spend at least 80% of the Fulbright-Nehru grant period with the grantee in India to be eligible for travel and dependent allowance.
Living and Housing Allowance Please refer to the grant authorization sheet. This allowance differs according to each grant category. Dependent allowance (as applicable) depending on the grant category. The accompanying dependents must spend at least 80% of the Fulbright-Nehru grant period with the grantee in India.
Base Stipend (only for senior scholars) Payable in two installments; (1) at the beginning, (2) at the end of grant.
Research Allowance One time allowance to be paid on reimbursement basis.
Brokers Fee for Housing One time allowance on reimbursement basis.
Excess Baggage One time allowance to be paid after submission of required reports to the IIE and USIEF.
Health Benefit From the date of arrival in India to the end of the grant.
Briefing/Orientation Airport pickup on arrival in India, initial seven days free accommodation (room only) as arranged by USIEF.
Tuition (for senior scholars only) For accompanying dependent children in grades K-12 on reimbursement basis (only for Academic & Professional Excellence award and Distinguished Scholar).
Rental Space for artists  Rental space for artist’s exhibits or events by Fulbrighters for their project if the institution space is not available.


For Distinguished Scholar, Academic & Professional Excellence Award and Student Researchers, only the following expenses will be reimbursed as part of the research allowance:

  • Hiring of assistant/translator, transcribers, interpreters for research work
  • Purchase/rental of books and project-related equipment (does not include computers, printers, office consumables, recording equipment, cameras, binoculars, tents, mosquito nets) which are necessary for scholars’ project.
  • Rental space for artist’s exhibits (applicable only to fellows in the areas of sculpture, painting and photography).

To claim a research allowance, a scholar must submit to USIEF a statement of expenses along with `copies of receipts.  USIEF will not process reimbursement for an expense if the receipt copy is not provided.  Grantees can obtain receipts from research assistants that clearly mentions number of hours worked, total duration, nature of assignment along with the stipend amount. This receipt should be signed both by the grantee as well as the research assistant.


For Distinguished Scholar, Academic & Professional Excellence Award in Teaching, Teaching & Research, only following expenses will be reimbursed as part of the material allowance:

  • Photocopying of reading/learning materials
  • Purchase of material used as teaching aid
  • Tuition fee paid to individual language tutor or to an institution
  • Purchase/rental of books and project-related equipment (does not include computers, printers, office consumables, recording equipment, cameras, binoculars, tents, mosquito nets)

Note also:

1.The last instalment of base stipend, maintenance and housing allowance is pro-rated if you depart early.

2.USIEF will wire transfer the allowances to the grantee’s U.S. bank account once in two months and will bear the wire transfer fees up to $15 for each wire transfer.  For claiming the wire transfer fee, grantees will have to submit a copy of their bank statement that clearly shows that the wire transfer fee is charged on the transfer made by USIEF.

3. The excess baggage allowance is released only after submission of the scholar’s final reports to IIE/CIES and USIEF.

Contact us

12 Hailey Road New Delhi 110 001

Tel.: +91-11-4209-0909/2332-8944
